I was hosting a breakfast this morning with salon owners and managers to talk about my book ‘Invaluable’: What every salon owner wanting success needs to know. It was an informal affair but it gave opportunity to discuss openly and candidly the issues salon owners face these days … [Read more...]
Would your salon attract a celebrity?
It’s a salon owner’s dream, to own a salon that could attract a person of celebrity status. Entertaining celebrities helps position your salon as being cool and ‘the place to go’, even though they can be demanding. Their presence can create a buzz of excitement, or an air of distinction … [Read more...]
Successful Salons Dominate rather than compete!
Do you want to compete, or dominate? I was prompted to write this blog after reading a Facebook post recently, where the salon owner was having a whinge about how many new salons had opened up around her that were offering the same service she did. Not only that, this … [Read more...]
Using an Answer Machine for your Business
Should your salon use an answer machine? As a client, the first thing you want when calling an establishment is to connect with someone, so that they find out what you called them for, whether it's information, or more importantly to make a booking. I call a lot of salons … [Read more...]
10 Tips to Ramp up Your Business in a Shopping Centre
Are you a salon owner whose salon is within a retail shopping complex? Regardless of how big or small it is, there are things you can do to help boost your business. Many salon owners lament over being seemingly 'stuck' and complain that their business is reliant on the activities … [Read more...]
Creating Positive Change
What stops you from making positive change in you and your business? As individuals we are our own worst enemies sometimes when it comes to building success. It can be fear, laziness, indifference or lack of time and resources. Have you ever come up with excuses as to why you … [Read more...]
What is Branding?
Branding is all about having an identity, it is something that anyone can see, touch and experience, that provides them with conformation that you are who you say you are and what you say you are. In the salon industry, a highly service based industry, branding is very important, as … [Read more...]
Your Extended Image
Its quite possible that many of you have taken yourself off to another salon for a treatment and found that the experience was not as good as you had hoped it would be. Maybe the room was untidy, not fresh, clean, or looked disorganised. Your work area is a reflection … [Read more...]
Your posture is part of your non verbal communication Posture can demonstrate confidence, poise, presence, or it can demonstrate insecurity, fear, boredom or sheer laziness. How you hold your head, how you sit, walk and stand all constitute posture behaviour. How you move and carry yourself … [Read more...]
Good grooming is an essential part of projecting a great image Grooming constitutes the condition of what is worn and your personal hygiene. I know that when girls are training for their Diplomas or certification that there are strict rules on how they have to present themselves. Somehow, that … [Read more...]