Good grooming is an essential part of projecting a great image
Grooming constitutes the condition of what is worn and your personal hygiene. I know that when girls are training for their Diplomas or certification that there are strict rules on how they have to present themselves. Somehow, that all falls by the wayside when they are out in the ‘real world’ looking for employment.
As a therapist or stylist, you owe it to yourself to always present well, and be impeccably groomed. That means, clean hair, nails, uniform, shoes, makeup nicely applied, and looking tidy. No odours from having sneaked a cigarette out the back or in the car on the way to work, or from any other source. You also owe it to your business that you are trying to build, and your salon colleagues and manager to always groom yourself to perfection.
Your clients are looking to you to be reassured that you know what you are talking about, that you are current in everything you do and a shining example of all the things they want for themselves. That is what this industry is offering. Appearance and confidence, self esteem.
Would you go to a salon that didn’t seemingly offer the things that you want for yourself?
So what can you do as a salon owner to ensure that your staff are well groomed?
- Set a policy of dress code standards, and stick to them. Outline what you expect in terms of dress, makeup, nails, hair, shoes, hosiery.
- Have an iron in the salon incase some last minute pressing needs doing.
- Allow for some makeup to be used from your own range, it helps promote that as well.
- Encourage toothbrush and toothpaste to be kept on the premises, hairspray, deodorant and anything else that will keep your staff fresh and looking groomed.
Small things matter, so don’t skimp when it comes to grooming, you could be losing a client over it and not even know.
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