Do you want to compete, or dominate?
I was prompted to write this blog after reading a Facebook post recently, where the salon owner was having a whinge about how many new salons had opened up around her that were offering the same service she did.
Not only that, this was a service that she felt was “hers“. What I mean by that is she felt she owned the service, was fabulous at it, had built up a clientele around offering this service and should therefore be allowed to be the only one in her area to offer it.
What are your thoughts on this? In my opinion, there is a clear difference between being competitive and being dominating. Being in competition is being in pursuit of a goal, whereas dominating is to influence and control everything. What this salon owner wanted was to dominate her space and probably the industry for excelling at this service.
What can she do to achieve this? Well apart from getting her hands dirty, which I would never advocate, she could really focus on what she was prepared to do that her competitors wouldn’t and then do it.
There is always a way you can dominate your space even with a small budget and resources, especially if you are committed to providing the very best to your clients. You just need to work smarter, not harder. Become the expert in that space, promote it whatever way you can, whether it’s social media, leaflets, contacting the media, sending out letters, whatever it takes to make your clients realise that this is your space, that you are the go to person for this service.
Then ensure that you have everything set up to create an amazing experience for your clients, be professional, create a wonderful impression, and your reputation, integrity and personal identity will reap the rewards.
This is a great introduction to my free 5-part video series due to launch very soon, if you haven’t registered yet for this then do so now.
In this series, I will take you through my exclusive iBrand system, 5 steps to awesomeness, and being exceptional in what has become a very competitive industry. 5 videos of practical advice and downloadable tips that you can use straight away to create change in you and your business
Are you a salon that wants to dominate or are you the salon that wants to follow and compete? The choice is yours.
Don’t forget to let us know what your thoughts are on this topic by commenting below.
This is Julie Hyne, founder of Business 4 Beauty, wishing you salon brilliance and success.
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