It’s a salon owner’s dream, to own a salon that could attract a person of celebrity status. Entertaining celebrities helps position your salon as being cool and ‘the place to go’, even though they can be demanding.
Their presence can create a buzz of excitement, or an air of distinction that others will find attractive.
Would your salon cope with the attention? Would your staff cope and be able to deliver a service that retained the attention and loyalty of such clients?
I went searching for some answers recently as to what it might take for a salon to be viewed as ‘the place to be’ and was intrigued by the feedback clients were giving.
It would appear that it doesn’t take much to be an attractive proposition and I wonder whether many of you became so caught up in the marketing minefield of what to promote, instead of focusing on some pretty basic things that clients find attractive.
For example, some of the words clients used to describe their salon of choice included:
- Modest
- Slick, but not too slick
- Cool, funky
- Glamorous and stylish
- Great Vibe
- Inviting staff, friendly and fun
- Lively
- Not so clinical
I want to ask you all; what words would your clients use to describe your salon?
More importantly, what are you wanting them to view it as?
Would there be a match, or would there be some differences of opinion?
Lastly; Would you be excited to visit your salon if you were a client?
This is where so often I find a mismatch with what salon owners think they are communicating to their clients and what they are actually saying, through their whole marketing message. That includes everything a client sees, hears, and experiences when they connect with you, whether it’s the first time or not.
Your salon results, are not completely dependant on the systems, procedures, and marketing campaigns you spend thousands of dollars implementing, although they are important for business efficiency and brand awareness. They are also not dependent on your staff, because it is common knowledge that many are not confident in rebooking and retailing.
What will drive your business to be recognised and successful is you, leading your team, educating them in what they do need to know and practice, the overall image you portray and the promises you say you can fulfil. If that resonates with what the client is seeking, and they feel fulfilled when they visit you, then there’s a match.
Image comprises many things, including your presentation, verbal and non-verbal communication, etiquette, body language, attitude, values and winning characteristics, all of which are taught in the Business4Beauty program.
You owe it to yourself if you are not reaching the results you are wanting, despite trying endless promotional campaigns or traditional business coaching to step outside the conventional square and really take a long look at what you are doing. There could be a very simple solution waiting for you to take action on.
For that reason, I am opening up my calendar again for a select number of salon owners wanting to take their salon to new heights. If you are intrigued, I invite you to spend 30 minutes with me for a confidential discussion to determine where your business is not delivering results and what can be done to set you back on course.
I won’t promise miracles, but I do know that salon owners who have worked with me are now enjoying substantial increases in revenue, through better management and training of their staff, and revisiting how they can improve their overall salon image that brings clients in the door.
Of course we also work on how to improve the internals of their business along the way, but the overriding objective is creating a salon of choice for your clients, that results in more business and greater profit.
To apply for one of these private and really focused conversations, simply click on this link and I’ll be in touch with you very soon.
To your salon brilliance and success.
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