I was hosting a breakfast this morning with salon owners and managers to talk about my book ‘Invaluable’: What every salon owner wanting success needs to know. It was an informal affair but it gave opportunity to discuss openly and candidly the issues salon owners face these days … [Read more...]
Successful Salons Dominate rather than compete!
Do you want to compete, or dominate? I was prompted to write this blog after reading a Facebook post recently, where the salon owner was having a whinge about how many new salons had opened up around her that were offering the same service she did. Not only that, this … [Read more...]
Did you know that what you think can create your success?
I was listening to a short video recently by Brian Tracey on "you become what you think about". I was interested because I know, whether you are a therapist or salon owner listening to this, you all want to be successful, otherwise you wouldn't be here. What does success mean? … [Read more...]
How much money have you lost?
Are you typical of many salons out there who have been leaving money on the table? Not claiming it back because of fear of investing in a solution? From the discussions I have been having with salon owners lately, I can report salons are losing $1000 per week, $60-70,000 per … [Read more...]