Are you typical of many salons out there who have been leaving money on the table? Not claiming it back because of fear of investing in a solution?
From the discussions I have been having with salon owners lately, I can report salons are losing $1000 per week, $60-70,000 per annum, and a backwards growth of 10-15% from the same time last year.
That’s not good. Now I know there are ups and downs in business, for all sorts of reasons, but when the issues I hear are consistently similar, about staff leaving and taking clients, not being able to sell product, loyal clients not returning for unexplained reasons, well, this all has enormous consequences on you as the salon owner and your bottom line.
If we look at this for a moment, $1000 per week is around $52000 per annum. That’s a lot of money to be losing. Now let me ask a question? How much does a full time therapist cost you? If you could find the right one or develop and grow the right one who could generate the return of 3-4 times her salary, what would that do for your business?
You’d be pretty happy right?
So what is the problem when the solution to achieving this is presented. Why can you not take action?
If someone told me that investing $7000 could ultimately return $150000 in my business I think I would jump at it.
Spending or investing is sometimes scary, especially if you feel you have been burnt and are in a protective mindset of just holding the fort.
But as my dad always told me, you have to spend a dollar to make a dollar or more, and as long as you are spending wisely and with good reason and purpose, there is no reason why you shouldn’t get that return. It’s all about taking action and following through, implementing the changes needed to get the results. Consistency, determination, dedication and discipline is what is needed.
But never give up.
Not when help is right there in front of you.
I am really excited to be working with the salons I have as clients right now. They are implementing changes, taking the challenges on board, and seeing results. Nothing happens overnight, but if you don’t start with even baby steps, then nothing changes.
Your salon is dependant on the people you have working for you, I know you know that. So don’t keep worrying and doing nothing. Get the people right and the rest can follow.
If you would like more information about how this can work for you, click on the link below and I’ll be in touch with you really soon to help you put a stop to money flying right out your window and back into your bank account.
This is Julie Hyne, founder of Business 4 Beauty,
Wishing you salon brilliance and success.
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