If you were to take a snapshot of your business right now where might you be? Are you kicking goals, behinds, at an even draw or losing the game? Even with the season about to explode in preparation for Christmas, it would be ignorant of you not to be aware … [Read more...]
Tips to removing the roadblocks to success
What holds you back the most in your business? When you are in business, its really easy to be distracted by roadblocks to success that are inconsequential to moving you forward to achieving your goals. I know, I’ve worked my own business for over 12 years, and can easily put … [Read more...]
5 Steps to Making Your Salon Irresistible
Feature article in Latest APAN Journal Winter Edition. There are 5 steps to making your salon irresistible. Salon owners around the world are united in experiencing similar issues. These issues include; unreliable and unproductive staff, rising expenses, difficult landlords, big gaps in … [Read more...]
Successful Salons Dominate rather than compete!
Do you want to compete, or dominate? I was prompted to write this blog after reading a Facebook post recently, where the salon owner was having a whinge about how many new salons had opened up around her that were offering the same service she did. Not only that, this … [Read more...]