To see and believe are closely aligned. When you meet someone for the first time you have an expectation or assumed image in your mind of how that person should look. If for whatever reason they fall short of what your have pictured, then their credibility is reduced.
What’s your most favourite therapist look like, the one who is always fully booked and happy in her position?
How does that person present themselves?
What can you learn from that person in terms of their image and your perception of them?
Often as we build our business we can become reluctant to share information on what makes us successful. Learning from others is the best way to learn about what works and what doesn’t. Even if its not for you, watching how other people present and work can teach you a lot about what might be right for you and how you need to relate to your clients.
This Week’s Task
Select the most successful person you know in your field and study them.
What can you learn from how they go about building their business and brand?
Are they projecting a great look, communicating professionally and in a way that is easy to understand?
Do they consistently perform well and have a full schedule of clients who return on a regular basis?
Are they working with brands you aspire to work with, and in a salon you would love to work in?
What is it about that person that you can learn something from?
You can leave your comments here.
Yvonne Parkel says
When I first met my boss (med ’70’s), his hair was very long (he kept it clean and groomed and it looked really good). He had just opened the salon and we were working really hard building the business. As time went on, he realised it would be “what’s best for the shop” (the only rule he had at that time) if he were to cut his hair barbershop short thus changing his image – which he did – built a fabulous clientele – earned their trust and respect – then grew his hair out long again and it is still long today. He went on the become a platform artist for top-notch companies, traveled the world and is a member of the highest hair society in the world. He eventually had five locations and opened a cosmetology school that became known world wide and continues working “behind the chair” today….all because he changed his image or first impression! So….I know for a fact, Jack, how the “first impression” thing works and the difference it makes in the quest for success. I saw it with my own eyes!!!